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OZKIZ, Web, Mobil UI Design
RIGHT Foundation, Layout Design
Holiwater, Branding, SNS Contents Design
CRTR, Motion Graphic, Infographic Video design
MOOHAS, Logo, Business Card design
Designhouse HYE, Branding, Product Filming
FOLKEE, NFT Platform, motion Graphic, Infographic Video design
Joong-ANg MTS, Rebranding
SAGEPEPE, Branding, Package Design, Brand image
2022 공공디자인페스티벌, 1% Station, Pop-up store, planning, design
3rd kaan-tin, Pop-up store, planning, design, contents design
Npio entertatinment, UI design
Leute, Café Branding, Design, Planning, Package Design
ArtCornerH, AMUSE CORNER, Planning, Design
JinahON, Pop-up store, Planning, Design
ShakeBaby, Package Design
SuperPlat, Web , Mobil UI Design
Marocell, POOPOOENZYME, Package Design, Brand Image
Marocell, POOPOO ENZYME, Package Design, Brand Image
LIGHT.FAB, Web, Mobile UI Design
2022 SS Seoul Fashion Week, SNS contents, motion graphic design
Byphyto, web, brand image, package design
Thumbtoe, Branding, Package, SNS contents Design
Yafe, Branding, Package design
ONC, Branding, Package design
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